Il blog di Joe7


    One Piece english
    By joe 7 il 27 Sep. 2016
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    Zorobin moments are already present since from the beginning, from the first meeting between Zoro and Robin. In addition, there were also another Zorobin moment FIRST this meeting, among other things, in many instances, but that’s another story. Let’s see how Zorobin moments develop in this first meeting. The crew of Luffy, after fleeing away from Whisky Peek (where Zoro, among other things, had just defeated by all the men of Baroque Works: an important detail, since this is precisely the story arc where Robin appears),
    give welcomes onboard to the princess Bibi. Igaram, who was the steward of Bibi, makes a personal getaway to deceive Baroque Works and so allowing Bibi and the crew of Straw Hat to flee away. But Robin, who at that time was “Miss All Sunday”, the number two of Baroque Works (like Zoro is the number two of the crew, another hint) , had already discovered the deceit and she had detonated Igaram’s boat with him on board. And, after the crew of Luffy looks upset the explosion of Igaram boat, suddenly Miss All-Sunday/Robin appears aboard the Merry, Luffy’s ship. Before continuing, it should be noted the anti-FRobin quote: Igaram was number 8 of Baroque Works, and 8 is Franky’s number. Definitely an ominous omen for every idea of ​​Franky-Robin relationship … (the fact that Igaram survived does not change the concept).
    Robin looks like a strange enemy, because she suggests to Luffy to be careful to the rocks below, and makes them the compliments, though mockingly. Moreover, she adds that this is a beautiful ship: a phrase that she will repeat when she will enter the crew, at least in the anime, and also speaking in front of Zoro.

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    Already in these phrases can be understood that Robin shows some respect towards Luffy and his crew: in fact, on several occasions, she will help Luffy in the battle against Crocodile. But, on this page where Robin appears in front of the crew for the first time ever, you will find that Zoro, in the final panel, in which appears Robin, is presented in a prevalent way: in fact, he takes up more space than the other three characters of the crew, and his face, turned to Robin, is the closest to her in the construction of the panel. Already here we see the Zorobin moment, but it is only the beginning.


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    Last Post by joe 7 il 2 Mar. 2021

    One Piece english
    By joe 7 il 22 Sep. 2016
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    This moment for me is incredible: in only one cover (in chapter 107), we can understand that Robin is yet introduced in advance, even before her appearance. Now, from chapter 107 to chapter 114 (the one in which Robin appears) there is the narrative arc of Whisky Peek, where the crew is fighting for the first time against the criminal organization Baroque Works. But, to be honest, in all these chapters Zoro is fighting alone against the Baroque Works. In fact, curiously, in this story arc, in which at the end appears Robin, Zoro is the main actor and not Luffy (who should be the main character!). Not only that, at a certain moment Zoro will be even fighting against Luffy. Here is the list of titles:

    Chapter 107"Moonlight and Tombstones" (here is present a VERY significant cover, after I will examine it)
    Zoro does not fall into Baroque Works' trap and attacks them, while the other friends are asleep. Zoro shows that he already knows about that organization: he is the only one of Luffy's crew who not only had heard of Baroque Works, but the criminal organization had also invited him, long ago, to be part of it: another link between Zoro and Robin. Zoro begins to face, without problems, a hundred murderers of the organization. The head of the enemies is called Igaram, Robin does not yet appear. The title is already gloomy in itself, pointing to the dark characteristic of Zoro and Robin, considered demons by all. Remember that the chapter has a number ending with 7, which will be the number of Robin.


    Chapter 108: "100 bounty hunters"
    The characteristic of the Baroque Works is hunting down the pirates who do not ally with them, and in this way cashing their rewards. Zoro is impressed by the skills of his cursed sword, the Sandai Kitetsu, that "represents" Robin. Also, he use a sword technique that contains the name of a bird: "Hawk Wave" or "Takanami" (the wave of the hawk in japanese). And the hawk is a symbol of Robin. In this chapter, Zoro has a leading role, and he shows to have also a physical force out of the ordinary, so much so that those of Baroque Works think the real captain is Zor...

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    Last Post by joe 7 il 22 Sep. 2016

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    Nico Robin di One Piece: è un personaggio che ha avuto dei messaggi, tracce, dettagli che sono apparsi sul manga di One Piece prima della sua apparizione. Questo significa che Eichiro Oda, l'autore, aveva già in mente il personaggio di Nico Robin sin dall'inizio, e che aveva già intenzione di metterla insieme con Zoro. Nico Robin appare per la prima volta nel cap114 del manga col nome di Miss All Sunday. Robin sarà la settima persona ad associarsi alla ciurma di Rufy, quindi il suo numero ufficiale è il 7. E Sunday, cioè Domenica, è il settimo giorno della settimana. Senza contare che Robin, nei panni di All Sunday, qui appare come il braccio destro di Crocodile, il capo dell'organizzazione criminale Baroque Works: e questo già la mette in relazione con Zoro, che è il braccio destro di Rufy, il capitano della ciurma.


    Il cap97 (prima dell'apparizione di Robin, quindi) ha come titolo "Sandai Kitetsu", che è il nome della spada maledetta che ha Zoro. E Robin è chiamata anche la "bambina maledetta" (o anche "demoniaca" in altre traduzioni"). Inoltre, in questo capitolo compare anche Nami che porta un vestito praticamente identico a quello che porterà Robin ad Alabasta. La Sandai Kitetsu è una spada alla quale Zoro ci tiene, nonostante sia maledetta, e qui c'è il parallelismo con Robin, una donna alla quale lui ci terrà molto, nonostante sia considerata "maledetta" (anche se solo chi legge attentamente le storie successive potrà capirlo). Senza contare che il capitolo 97 finisce col numero sette, che è il numero di Robin.

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    Thanks to Zorobinkiss, who did all the work, I can post here an a...

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    Last Post by joe 7 il 19 Sep. 2016

    One Piece english
    By joe 7 il 16 Sep. 2016
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    Zoro is the first person to join Luffy officially on his pirate crew and thus he is a sort of second in command. At first, he joins unwillingly to Luffy and tells him that he will cut him down if he will interfere with his dream, that is becoming the strongest swordsman of the world. In this way he will honor his promise to Kuina, her friend died long ago. And for this motive he must absolutely beat the current strongest swordsman in the world: the terrible Drakul Mihawk, aka "Hawk eye". This shows how important is his dream for him. But this slowly changes and Zoro now believes that making his captain, Luffy, the Pirate King is most important. In fact, he sacrifices his life in Thriller Bark for this - and at times he was really sacrificed - and he begged Mihawk himself to teach him swordsmanship. This does not mean that Zoro will cease to deal with Mihawk, and "Hawk eye", amused, accepted the risk.
    Zoro is best described as overconfident and loyal, as well as almost bloodthirsty. Out of all the Straw Hats, he is probably the one that loves to fight the most and along with Luffy and Sanji is described by Nami and Usopp as the three monsters. He is the second stronger member. Nevertheless, he has a more sensitive side that he tends to hide: he refuses to fight Tashigi and he actively tries to avoid her because she reminded him of his dead friend Kuina. He care a lot about the most vulnerable people, like Usop, Chopper, Nami, or kids, for example: this thing is clearly shown when, in his first apparition, Zoro protected a little girl from the marine. He likes parting. together with Robin, he is the most level-headed of the crew.
    He is known as "pirate hunter Zoro": in effect he did this before joining to Luffy's pirate crew, but his nickname had stuck. In fighting, he uses the three-swords technique: one sword in each hand and hold the hilt of the third sword in his mouth. It is his characteristic technique, but he has no problem using a sword alone or two. His attacks and techniques have the name of demons, gods or animals. When he has to fight seriously against someone, he takes off his black handkerchief which he has at the arm and puts it on his head like a bandana, which gives him a more aggressive attitude. Another feature of his clothing is his girdle and the three earrings at...

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    Last Post by joe 7 il 16 Sep. 2016

    One Piece english
    By joe 7 il 15 June 2016
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    Before going further with the analysis, we should return to the first conversation between Robin and Zoro described before, this time in the animated version: in this case, Robin's actions are more explicit. These are considered by fans "non-canonical moments ", because they consider true only the moments of the manga. Personally, I don't agree. Although these scenes do not appear in manga, they remain true to the characters (remember: Oda is the person who gives the exploitation rights of the characters, so he cannot make them behave as animators please). So, we may very well appear of "deepening scenes" like this. Then, they can be freely considered valid or not: I consider them valid.


    ROBIN: This is a beautiful ship. They are always so bright in here?
    ZORO: Well, yes
    ROBIN: (smiles) Oh?


    ROBIN: (brings a cloth to Zoro)
    ZORO: (grabbing the sword) I told you do not stand too close to me.
    ROBIN: You'll catch a cold.
    ZORO: People who take cold have a weak heart.


    ROBIN: Then they say that about the famous pirate hunter Zoro?
    ZORO: I never did call myself "pirate hunter".
    ROBIN: So who gave you such a beautiful name?
    ZORO: Who knows, it has nothing to do with me.


    Robin walks away, without saying anything, and sits at the table where there is a book of research on mysterious lands ("The Rainbow Fog"): in fact, as I said, Robin is an archaeologist and she reads a lot. She sits and then smiles looking sideways towards Zoro.

    As you can see , there are special times between Robin and Zoro. But there are other special times in a much more subtle way, which you cannot understand if you are unfamiliar with the story and the characters. For example, here is a scene, this time taken from manga. Remember to read from right to left.


    It is not a true "Zorobin" moment , but it is interesting the Nami's nod to the sharks. In fact, the shark is a symbol of Zoro, and telling Robin that she will become food for sharks... it is like saying that in the future (w...

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    Last Post by joe 7 il 15 June 2016

    One Piece english
    By joe 7 il 15 June 2016
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    In One Piece story there are different relations, but these are hidden, for the fact of this manga being a shonen (manga for boys), instead of a shojo (manga for girls). Forums about this manga has often been snubbed this idea as a "mental idiocy" because Eichiro Oda, One Piece's author, has always said that his characters love only adventure. But Oda could not say that "this guy is in love with that chick" because, in fact, One Piece is a shonen. And, yes, the characters love adventure: they are the adventurous par excellence. But Oda has never said that there are no relationships between them.


    A classic example is that of Luffy, the captain, and Nami, the navigator: they have, for many fans, a "hidden relationship" shown at different times, one of which, among the most famous and quoted, is one in which Luffy, front Nami in tears for the invasion of the pirate Arlong to her birthplace and for a complicated story that I'm not here to tell), takes off his straw hat, which is his only treasure and the thing that he counts the most, and he puts on Nami's head. One thing that Luffy had never done to anyone. He says to Nami that from now he will think to Arlong: in fact, from here begins the end of the invading pirate, in a fight to the death.



    But one of the more complex and fascinating "hidden relationships", in my opinion, is that one between the swordsman of the crew, Zoro Rolonoa, and the archaeologist Nico Robin. Both are characters with high combat capability: Zoro uses the three swords technique, Robin uses the technique given to her by a Devil Fruit, the Fior Fior, enabling her to make growing everywhere duplicate parts of her body: usually arms and legs, to use them in a thousand different ways. In this way, Robin can defeat even hundreds o...

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    Last Post by joe 7 il 15 June 2016
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