Il blog di Joe7


    Zorobin english
    By joe 7 il 9 May 2022
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    The details about the Robin-Zoro couple are so numerous that it is sometimes difficult to find them all. In the past, I had already talked about the Zorobin moments in which Robin joins the crew (see here and here), but, looking at the anime, there are many additional details that deepen this relationship even more. Let's go back to the post-Alabasta time, when Nico Robin, who had been an opponent of Luffy's crew, hid in their ship at the time of departure: later, when they will be in the middle of the sea. Robin will come out of hiding and ask Luffy to join the crew. A curiosity: among all the members of Straw Hat, Robin will be the only one to enter the crew by asking the captain. In other cases, it was Luffy who asked the others to join his crew. But let's go back to the moment of "hiring" her.
    First, note that while Luffy's crew was fighting the Navy, Robin, a stowaway, passed her time to take a shower and change clothes: and this behavior is at least odd. Did she want to look good for the job interview? And what need was there to do it? Does one have to be charming to be a pirate? I thought this only applied to models. But then, observe Robin's behavior: she grabs a deck chair, sits voluptuously, gestures to what Luffy has done to her with double meanings, so much so that Sanji easily misunderstands and wants to make Luffy pay for it (Nami, by the way , does not show particular reactions on this fact: but it is worth noting the curious absence of Nami in the panels in which Robin accuses Luffy. I believe that his jealousy has been put "off-panel"). This would be the behavior of a person who wants to join a crew, accusing the captain and acting like he's at a fashion show? The scene below is as a person posing, not as an aspiring pirate!


    Among other things, while Robin makes her data known to Usopp, Zoro is secretly listening: the same scene appears in the manga. In the anime, Zoro's interest appears more explicit: the anime completes what is implied in the manga.


    Let's move on to Sanji, who gives the dishes to Robin while he is dancing. In the manga, Robin smiles at Sanji's behavior with a grateful attitude; but in the anime it is noted that, before smiling, she had a puzzled expression. As if she didn't like Sanji's intervention very much. So the next smile seems to be a matter of circumstance.


    Watch out: as Sanji is talking to Robin, she raises her head, a little surprised. Why?


    Because Zoro was walking up the stairs next to her. So Robin was mostly interested in Zoro: she was interested in impressing him, not Sanji.


    So what does Robin do? She gets up, evidently with the intention of reaching Zoro. But Sanji keeps talking to her.


    Robin then turns to Sanji with an annoyed look.


    Indeed, VERY annoyed. Sanji's chatter only seems to annoy her.


    But Robin is not Nami: she has a more "ladylike" demeanor. Nami would have told Sanji to stop being a fool; Robin just gives him a "go to hell" smile.


    Sanji, among other things, says that Robin is more charming than Nami. I dedicate this to all Sanji-Nami fans. What's the point of a couple between a man who falls in love with everyone and a woman who is completely indifferent to this fact?


    Curiously, Zoro is leaning against the railing, just after the end of the stairs, almost as if he is waiting for someone.


    Robin, in effect, goes up, with Zoro looking sideways, pretending not to mind her. Their relationship is full of “unspoken, but implied” scenes.


    Robin passes in front of Zoro and looks at the horizon. Zoro does NOT look at her: I think Robin notices a little. So it is better explained her next action.


    In fact, the first speaking is Robin, not Zoro: “This is a beautiful ship”: a perfect phrase to strike up a conversation. But Zoro doesn't answer, neither comments, nor turns his head towards her. The point is that Zoro doesn't even go away: taking into account the fact that he first listened to Robin in secret, it is clear that the swordsman is not indifferent to the charm of the woman. But he is keen not to point it out. And this Robin understands too. It's a hide-and-seek game.


    So Robin continues, this time not with a comment, but by asking him a direct question: “Are they always happy here?”. It is a perfect trap. In this way, Zoro is forced to respond. Unless he wants to be indifferent to the extreme, as Trafalgar Law did in the Dressrosa arc.


    Robin turns to Zoro, almost completely: this time Zoro turns to Robin. He can no longer be indifferent.


    He answers ("Well, yes"). This was exactly what Robin wanted (come on, seriously do you think Robin asked that question just like that, just out of curiosity? So you don't know women ^_^).


    Robin achieved her goal: she talked to Zoro and he replied. Bear in mind that they had been enemies before, so this moment may have been a small step for humanity, but a huge leap for Robin.


    She responds by saying “Oh?” and smiling. Notice the difference between her smile and the smile she showed to Sanji: if Robin smiled coldly with the cook, the smile she shows towards Zoro is more open and warm. You don't often see Robin smiling like that.


    Zoro is shocked: he doesn't understand why that woman - an ex-enemy, after all - smiled so broadly at him. In fact, I think it's the first time that Zoro has seen a woman who smiles so broadly at him.


    Robin walks away, satisfied: she has achieved her goal. It should be noted that - a rare case in One Piece - you can hear a romantic background music. If that's not enough to confirm Zorobin, well, that's no problem: there are tons of other similar moments.


    Zoro observes her suspiciously: "who knows what she has in mind", he seems to think. But the fact remains that he observes her.


    Robin, coincidentally, is standing on the bow of the ship, observing the sea...and letting herself be observed by Zoro, just like in the opening scene of the analysis. If this is the behavior of a person who simply wants to join a pirate crew, well, it's unusual at the very least... ^_^ and you will never find these scenes between Franky and Robin.



    Edited by joe 7 - 16/5/2022, 17:35