Il blog di Joe7


    By joe 7 il 31 Aug. 2020
    3 Comments   1,476 Views
    (Domani torno a postare; ne approfitto per mettere qui la versione inglese dell'articolo su Oda che ho messo qui questo mese, perchè mi sono accorto che alcuni lettori del blog sono stranieri e penso che leggerebbero volentieri una versione più leggibile dell'articolo)


    Eichiro Oda, over the course of almost 20 years, had shown many moments between Zoro and Robin, several of which I had posted here. These Zorobin moments could not have been personal impressions, because many of them were too obvious. Therefore, the hypothesis of self-deception does not hold up: however, the hypothesis of the deceiving author holds up.

    In fact, suddenly, as if nothing had happened, in chapter 987 of 11 August 2010, Oda posted a covercolor where Robin CARESSES Franky. A Franky with purple colors, Robin's color: as far as I know, Franky in cover colors and anime has NEVER had purple colors. Not only that: Oda here depicts Robin who, while caressing Franky, looks with a mocking smile at the reader, defiantly Franky himself looks at Zoro with a mocking air. I don't really care that there is a purple dog next to Zoro and that Zoro has a purple sword. It's okay that purple is Robin's color, it's okay that the dog is a symbol of fidelity, it's okay that Zoro has a sword not only purple but also with the flowers drawn on it, another one from Robin. But what importance can this symbolism have now, put by Oda on purpose to confuse those who still believe in Zoro and Robin, in the face of the mockery of Robin caressing Franky? Oda is famous for his trolling: but this time he pulled too hard and showed his real game, which is to make fun of those who want to believe that Robin and Zoro are together. This time he betrayed himself.


    This was a really bad scene. Painful, pathetic, made on purpose, by a dishonest author, who for years makes the readers believe something, then suddenly shows something else. Suddenly, without any proof, without any preparation time, just for the sake of surprising. With this gimmick Oda has lost my esteem forever.

    This is also the end result of several hints that were already around in Wano arc. In fact, during chap. 979, Franky, without any apparent explanation, suddenly shows that he is so familiar with Robin that he asks her to get on his motorcycle. Not only that: she - as if she had always been in confidence with Franky, as if they had always been close friends, practically lovers - accepts with pleasure. Even showing disappointment because Brook had replaced her. But what';s the point of this scene? Robin had NEVER shown such attachment to Franky before.


    And even before that, in chapter 977, always in Wano saga, Robin and Franky march in unison as if they were a close-knit husband and wife. What about Zoro? Is Zoro doing something?


    Yeah, for sure: HE IS DRINKING IT IN. In the same frame where there are Robin and Franky.


    It is useless to take refuge in the matter of Robin who, in this scene, is in front of a sword that recalls Zoro, and Robin is under a Sanji balloon that speaks about Zoro. The symbology no longer makes sense, it has become a mockery for the credulous reader. The images say more than the symbolic suggestions. Unfortunately.


    I must repeat: that moment in which Robin caresses Franky happens suddenly, without a valid reason. There has never been a moment of such visible confidence between Robin and Franky, and now they act like they were lovers. What nonsense is this, coming out of nowhere like a bolt from the blue? Robin had NEVER caressed Zoro. But not even Franky, in all these years. And, suddenly, she caresses Franky.
    Also, there is another thing, very strange indeed. Robin and Zoro talked to each other all the time in which Robin became a straw-hat. Now, suddenly, without any explanation, in Wano arc Robin and Zoro have never said a word to each other. Besides, starting with Wano, without any explanation, all of a sudden Robin and Franky become friends, lovers, boyfriends. An absurd thing, without explanation and without meaning.


    Let's go back to Robin's caress on Franky's cheek. It was the first and only time that Robin made such an explicit gesture towards a character of the crew. It's absurd for many reasons: Robin doesn't love robots or cyborgs, and she had never shown much interest in Franky. She has always considered him "no longer human" since their re-meeting in Sabaody (chapter 599). Robin had shown her distaste for Franky several times: for example, when he entered in Chopper's body, she couldn't bear to see him (chapter 665).


    Or, when, at the end of Fishman Island saga, Robin wonders if Franky was able to do something useful in the whole period (chapter 647).



    Here I place several analyzes that I had done in the past against the Franky-Robin relationship: even if now they no longer have any validity, we might as well explain why they appeared to me to be false. In the cover of chapter 576, Robin watches Franky doing the work, and it feels like a FRobin moment. But - I said - it is a deception: in fact, Robin has three birds on her, and three is the number of swords of Zoro, while the bird is the symbol of Robin. At least this was my answer once, when we thought of interpreting the symbolism of Oda. Now we know that he made fun of us.


    Another example of a fake FRobin is the one below (chapter 670): Robin and Franky are collaborating together. But have you seen the drawing well? Robin's arms are helping the gorilla against Franky. Nice collaboration. Where would the “FRobin moment” be? At least this was my answer once. Now we know that Oda made fun of us.


    Franky talks to Robin at Enies Lobby, and it is thought to be a FRobin moment. But it is false: Franky is a sympathetic person who is easily moved, as he did with Usopp in Water Seven, and seeing Robin in those conditions, similar to his as a prisoner, he cannot help but be interested. But these are speeches that Franky would have made to anyone, even if Usopp had been a prisoner instead of Robin. So as a “Frobin moment” it has no value. At least this was my answer once. Now we know that Oda made fun of us.


    Another moment cited by FRobin supporters is Franky's “recruiting” scene where Robin crushes his testicles, and I don't understand how this can be considered a gesture of love. I assure you it really hurts. Have you ever tried to hammer yourself there? Well, if you did, then tell me if, in your opinion, that's a "gesture of love". Yes, from a cemetery: in fact you can even die from such a thing, it is so painful! The FRobins say that Robin, with her action, wanted Franky to join the crew, also saying that Franky is a treasure to her. But it is a completely false interpretation, because it is misrepresented. In fact, first of all, Robin does not act for herself, but for the crew, as she clearly says, asking permission from Luffy. In addition, even the sense of the "treasure" pronounced by Robin has neither emotional nor personal value, as it refers exclusively to the crew. In fact, the meaning of Robin's words is this: “if you want a group of pirates to go in front of a treasure, you have to give some explanations”. If this "treasure" is Franky, it is because he is a precious carpenter for the crew, not for Robin: in fact here Robin, as I said, acts on behalf of the crew, not for his own interest. Also, it wasn't Robin's squeezing that “got him”, but Iceburg's intervention. At least this was my answer once. Now we know that Oda made fun of us.

    At Thriller Bark, where Franky and Robin talk to Brook, and Franky cries and Robin is close to him: it feels like another FRobin moment, but it isn't. Robin knows Franky is sensitive and he was moved by Brook. But from here to say that there is a relationship, it would be like saying that I too have a relationship with a girl because she is moved by soap operas. As a motive it seems to me very little. Also, it's not true that Robin and Franky understand each other. In fact, Robin asks Franky why he asked Brook such a question, and Franky doesn't answer her. If Robin had understood Franky as a fiancee, she wouldn't have asked him this. In fact, Robin never asks questions to Zoro about his behavior, because she understands him with a glance, since theirs is a deep understanding relationship, unlike Robin with Franky. At least this was my answer once.. Now we know that Oda made fun of us.

    Another example cited among FRobins is Robin saving Franky in Thriller Bark. But what was he supposed to do? Let him smash to the ground because he doesn't love him? Here we are at stupidity, really. If Robin is one of Luffy's group, obviously she helps people of the group. But from here to say that there is a relationship is absurd. At least this was my answer once. Now we know that Oda made fun of us.


    Or: in Thriller Bark, Franky has the idea of making a "modular robot" made with the members of the crew and he asks Robin to be part of it, but she decisively refuses. Robin appears disgusted by the idea. And this is a scene that proves Franky doesn't understand a thing about Robin. Zoro had participated without understanding what they had in mind: he would never have asked Robin for such a thing: afterwards, in fact, he walks away embarrassed. The scene is so emblematic that Oda even put it on the cover (yet it is only a detail of the story!). At least this was my answer once. Now we know that Oda made fun of us.


    In another scene, Robin stops Franky when he is about to shoot Brook at Thriller Bark. Robin also stops Zoro when he is about to leave the ship, which is under water: but she does this for a serious reason, since he would have risked dying; but, in Franky's case, Robin only stops one of his actions, Franky doesn't risk his life. This is to say that Robin - except in severe cases like the one described - she doesn't argue with Zoro because she trusts him. But there is not the same relationship of trust with Franky. At least this was my answer once. Now we know that Oda made fun of us.


    Let's forget all about Zoro and Robin, then. Let's forget the comparison between Flare and Robin, and Ryuma and Zoro, in the "Monsters" story made by Oda before One Piece.

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    Let's forget what happened on Long Ring Island, where Zoro rescues Robin from Aokiji.


    Let's forget the fact that Zoro rescues Robin from Hyouzo at Fishman Island.


    Let's forget the moment when Ener attacks Robin in Skypiea and Zoro wants revenge.


    Let's forget the moment when at Enies Lobby, to open Robin's handcuffs, key n.5 is needed: Zoro collides with Kaku and takes key n. 5, anxious to save Robin.


    Let's forget the fact that on Thriller Bark Robin overheard what really happened to Zoro.


    Let's forget Dressrosa, in which Robin is saved by Zoro, who confronts Pica.

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    Let's forget Punk Hazard, where Zoro and Robin, in addition to being together for most of the narrative arc, are present in the scene in which Zoro cuts off the dragon's head in front of a worried Robin.


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    Let's forget many other moments in which Robin stares at Zoro smiling. Let's forget hundreds of other Zorobin moments. Let's forget everything.






    This was a really bad low blow from Oda. He had left thousands of Zorobin traces for years that deceived everyone who read them. And it is not possible that they were random, you have seen the Zorobin I posted, which are only part of it.
    So much for the story of Oda who always said: "I don't want make romantic things, I want make adventure". These are nonsense: Oda make what he likes and how they like. So what does it mean to analyze every Zorobin of an author who makes his characters change direction as he likes, without any logic and without any psychology? What trust can have such an author? Not any. Robin and Zoro are now anonymous idiots without a soul, without psychology, they are not even worth analyzing them.
    For years I had hoped to see the story of Wano and, with it, a progress in the relationship between Robin and Zoro. Instead, there was not only a regression, but the CANCELLATION. Robin is now with Franky as if they've known each other for a lifetime, which doesn't make sense.


    Oda cannot make fun of the readers. Oda is the author, and the author is like the croupier in the gaming room, who leads the game: well, the croupier cannot be a cheater, otherwise he is dishonest. The reader trusts the author: but, if he makes the reader believe for years something that is not true, something about one of those basic things on which the author has insisted for so many years, and then changes suddenly, without reason and without a meaning...then the narrator is a cheat, because he made fun of the reader. It's like the mystery writer, who says that, in the end, the culprits of the murder in the locked room are the aliens who pass through the walls. It is a dishonest solution that no serious crime writer would consider.

    The author cannot do what he likes with his manga. If he makes premises, he must also make consequences. Does Oda make hundreds of Zorobins for nearly twenty years? As a consequence he must - but seriously, he must, he obliged himself - bring Zoro and Robin together. And instead he does Robin and Franky together. He cannot make such a surprising twist without putting on a shred of reason. It's a very badly managed FRobin: it means that Oda woke up one morning and he said: "And now let's do FRobin, hahaha". What reliability can have such an author, who teases many readers for years as if they were idiots? None. For this I am forced to close forever all the analyzes of Zorobin that are there, because they do not make sense. But not because they are false: on the contrary, because they were all true, but they were denied by Oda. Kind of Lucas with his Star Wars trilogies. This is why I spoke of "betrayal" in the title.

    Farewell, Oda. Farewell, One Piece. Farewell, Zoro and Robin. We will never see each other again. It was nice.




    Edited by joe 7 - 19/10/2020, 18:08

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    Junior Member


    Hello,it is a shocking thing about what is happening in Wano, the lack of conversation ,interaction between Robin and Zorro, and the worst cover ever.
    In Wano although it's zoro arc it is difficult for me to watch it . I might say that these are difficult days for fans of Zorro and Robin. But i always stay optimistic becausse the evident about this duo is very strong
    and as you said,oda has devoted 20 years to showing signs and moments to build this duo. I do not think he is stupid enough to cancel it suddenly. Even if we assume that Robin will end up with Franky, what about Zorro? Who will end up with Zorro, a main character in the story and His influence on the story is so great that can be compared to Luffy?

    For Oda to end up him with another character, he needs another twenty years to do that, twenty years to find a woman who understands his personality, his inclinations and his stupidity
    for me by watching all the women that interact with zoro There is no woman who might be suitable for him other than Robin. The only woman who can protest is Hyori, but the question is when Hyori appeared it just recently so A character with a big role and dominated in one piece like Zorro who his love life built after 20 years It can't take place.
    so i don't think in anyway that oda will seperate this two , oda just can't do that for me. the rommance in onepiece based on zorobin.
    i just want you to keep what you do ,I find it dazzling, encouraging and also motivated to continue to watch onepiece After these recent eventst that try to destroy our beloved ZoRobin
    Therefore, I am optimistic and look forward to Zoro and Rabin because Zorobin are built steadily and this is seen through your analysis, and no one can e deny it or cancel it even oda himself.
    sorry for my english ,still learn it
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    Senior Member


    There are no problems with your English, I have understood everything.

    Actually, I'm studying the Wano arc and there are Zorobins there too. I'll talk about it when the saga will be over, in order to make an overall assessment. Besides, some Zorobin are clear only after a few chapters.

    In any case, couples other than Zoro/Robin don't make much sense: Franky doesn't have a real relationship with Robin and I've never noticed any particular feelings between them in all these years of One Piece. They have not much sense as a couple, so I guess Oda just put them up as a provocation.

    Regarding Zoro and Hiyori, it is a friendship more than anything else: Hiyori may be attracted to Zoro, but the swordsman is not interested, you can see it well.

    But we'll talk about it again when I will analyze here the Wano arc.

    Also, as you have rightly said, you can't throw over 20 years of stories and Zorobin like nothing.
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    Junior Member


    yeah exactly he can't throw 20 years of stories

    thanks i look forward for wano arc